Sunday, June 28, 2009

Formula fericirii sta in sex...

Mi se parea ciudat cand unii se intorceau la vechiile lor pare ca nu sunt mai deosebit.Realizez ca sunt cazuri si cazuri...cateodata asa trebuie sa ce?!...habar mai sunt conturi neincheiate,ca au fost ignorate sentimente,ca a trebuit sexul este multumitor.Banuiesc ca sexul te leaga cel mai tare...Citeam in "Formula fericirii" de Stefan Klein ca ne gasim fericirea in mancare,in haine,in prieteni,in calatorii sau natura,nu mai tin minte exact, si in sex...Daca te uiti la fericire din punctul de vedere al unei relatii sa zicem ca turismul impreuna cu cel cu care esti,ajuta putin...dar ajungi tot acolo...SEX...Asta leaga cel mai tare,din unghiul in care privesc eu,un simplu corectati-ma daca gresesc...Mancarea,hainele,prietenii ti le poti asigura si fara a fii in relatie...Sexul e domne!...Mai ales ca observ tot mai des ca,si din nou doar parerea mea,astazi chiar daca esti intr-o relatie fiecare e cu prietenii lui ,cu spatiul te mai date-uiesti asa si tragi o partida.Tot in aceea carte,ca n-am citit prea multe de gen,este explicat stiintific cum creierul daca ajunge la stadiul in care il pune orgasmul,ma rog,si alte organe produc si elimina acele substante ce iti drogheaza mintea si corpul sa se simta corpul iti va fii mai sanatos...minunat..
I guess sex is the key...and is great,cose its easy...if it comes take it!!...;)


Anca said...

Ionut draga,

Ce sa zic... Cred ca la realizarea acestui post , de data asta, au contribuit alte parti ale corpului tau, mai putin creierul. In sfarsit... tu spui ca ai o explicatie stiintifica, asa o fi!
Iti urez succes in continuare!


PS Cand ti-am zis sa iti ocupti mintea cu altceva nu la asta ma refeream!!!

Jean... said...

Draga uitat sa scriu in blog ca barbatii si femeile au o cu totul alta perspectiva cand vine de vorba despre acest fragil am uitat sa subliniez ca nu in asta consta totul.Ci este un element ce leaga mai bine relatiile,cel putin la inceput pana ajungi la alt nivel unde ai alte tinte la fel de frumoase impreuna cu partenerul...cum ar fii sa cresti un copil sau sa cumperi o casa.
Cat despre faptul ca numai la asta ma gandesc,nu este adevarat...postul este doar o constatare...unele persoane se bucura de sex,altele mai putin.Eu gasesc ca este productiv.Si cel putin esti mai relaxat.Multumesc de urari!

Ramy ;) said...

Dragul meu prieten aflat atat de departe si totusi atat de prezent in inimile noastre, a celor pe care i-ai lasat acasa... ai dreptate!!! Formula fericirii sta in SEX!! in sex. Spun asta pentru ca am experimentat senzatia...cum lumea asta chiar a luat-o razna, singurul lucru constant si care tinde sa nu te dezamageasca ramane...sexul.'re fucking right!!!
Miss you!!!

Jean... said...

Ramyyyy ce ma bucur ca mi-ai scris si mai ales ca-mi citesti mie mi-e dor de tine.Cat despre subiect ,nu am zis-o eu ci doar ajuta.Stiu ca ai trecut prin vremuri grele si ma bucur ca-mi dai dreptate...te pup

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jean... well I think for man and woman the concept of sex is different. I can't have sex or better say "a good sex" if I don't love my partner... for me have sex is the maximum expression of love for your partner and as much you love him as much you will enjoy having sex with him, but this is just my opinion.


Ionouka said...

Eu zic ca doar cei care n-au avut parte de sex bun pot spune ca sexul e un aspect secundar. Pentru ca e evident ca un orgasm rezolva atit de multe lucruri ca e pur si simplu pacat sa cauti alte solutii. Oamenii cu viata sexuala activa si implinita sint mai relaxati, mai optimisti... Se vede pe ei, ce sa mai...
N-o fi el sexul cel mai important lucru, dar daca nu merge intre doi oameni, nu prea conteaza ca merg alte lucruri. Am zis!

Jean... said...

tu ai scris mai multe articole despre sex ca mult mai coerent si corect gramatical...cine nu crede in sex ar trebuii sa citeasca si articolele tale si apoi sa-nceapa sa experimenteze...gasesc ca mai are un avantaj...lucreaza muschii frate facut febra musculara...hahahah

Anonymous said...

Jean go to sleep tomorrow we have to work.

Jean... said...

i know...we all have to ever you are

Jean... said...

i think teenagers like you should go to sleep...haha

Littledarling said...

Formula fericirii difera de la om la e valabila in aceasi masura pt toti..cate persoane exista..tot atatea formule ale fericirii apar..sunt adaptate la fiecare individ in parte.

Gabi said...

In my opinion there are three things that are paramount in a relationship, and I think no relationship can function without any of them: love, friendship and sex. I don't think either is more important than any of the others. Just my 2 cents.


Jean... said...

Yo Gabi i appreciate that you're reading my blog...You're talking about the perfect relasionship...and thats great,love,friendship and sex...but i think friendship is there anyway as you have sex with a person..and love can come in time when the sex is great... and when the relasionship is not perfect...what do you think?
DA ma Andra ai dreptate...dar vorbim aici de fericirea adusa de sex...ce zici?

Gabi said...

Nu cred... Friendship, love and sex could be mutually exclusive - it's not necessarily a rule that if you have one you'll have the others. You can have sex with no friendship and no love (just go in a bar and you'll see :-)). Come on, US is the country of meaningless sex, you should know that by now :-)

What I meant was that perfect happiness IN MY OPINION is having all three together. And (again my opinion) when one of these three is missing, there's a high chance of a failed relationsip.

Si sa stii ca iti citesc blog-ul mereu, cu atentie. Ma bucur ca scrii si ca putem fi si noi mai aproape de gandurile tale.

Jean... said...

you're right...thats the perfect happiness...i know that about U.S even thou i did 'nt tasted yet...maybe i gotta go more often in bars...hhaha...te-am pupat,de ce nu merge sa intru pe blogul tau?

Gabi said...

Pentru ca n-am inca blog :-). Da-mi fac, daca am timp. Te pup.

Anonymous said...

For me sex is not a game. It is something so beautiful that should happen only when love is in the relationship in case a baby comes even this couple is too young they will be able to have that child and give him their love. Usually when we start a relationship is more for attraction it is better to wait some months to see if the love comes and if this comes will be ok and beautiful to have sex.


Anonymous said...

In calitate de fosta profesoasra de' SEXOLOGIE " trebuie sa recunosc ca ai depasit si masterul si pot sa spun ca problema deja ma depaseste.IN ziua de azi ,SEXUL este pe"buzele" tuturor. pupici

Jean... said...

Ti-ai facut treaba cum trebiue..pupici

Anca said...

Gabi a zis perfect ce a zis. Eu am fost acida, recunosc, dar sunt si eu perfect de acord cu parerea lui!
Va pup pe toti!
Cu drag,

Jean... said...

Hai te pup si eu...vezi ca sunt in San Francisco weekendul asta...vb

Anonymous said...

That is a good news!!! I am sure you work hard and you deserve a vacation and SF is a great place to relax and have fun. Have a good time!


Anonymous said...

Jean could you give an advice? I met a guy very casual I was crossing one street and he was making a stop, he saw me and we smile, he pulled over and asked me for my phone number I gave it to him, we met two times and he wants to have sex with me since the first time. Do you think if I have sex with him is he gonna take me seriously? What guys think about girls that have sex in the first date, second or third? Do you guys appreciate a girl like that or doesn't matter?. What guys think make a girl appreciate?. Could you give me an advice? I will appreciate it. Thank you

ina bixade said...

Era o vorba, cica: patul leaga, patul dezleaga! O fi adevarat, insa se poate trai frumos si armonois si fara sex. Nu moare nimeni din lipsa de dragoste si sex.

Jean... said...

Ina multumesc ca mi-ai citit blogul sau macar ai aruncat o stiu daca se poate traii frumos si armonios si fara vreau sa stiu cum e fara...probabil foarte multa masturbare

Anonymous said...

Jean you are so surprising on your comments that's why I love you and I love your blog! :):):)I love you for being you.
